Ann, Yedam / 1992
From Seoul, South Korea


Yedam Ann (Seoul, born in 1992) is an artist living and working in Berlin. Her works delve into the essentialization of space and humans across various scales and places. Through the works, she challenges standardized design and classifications, deconstructing established placeness. Her artistic research frequently examines urban landscapes against the backdrop of technology and digital environments, extending to the possibilities of transposing occurrences arising therefrom. Her observation often highlights themes of discrimination and museumification of the cities and humanity.

Ann’s Interest in marginalised identities, technology and infrastructure are interconnected and spreads to adjoining themes. Alongside the mechanisation of human power, digital precarity and gig industry, such as delivery services, Amazon Mechanical Turk and Uber drivers have been her major interests. She looks at how the hostile design of technology and infrastructures can be unlearned to change these social dynamics. non identity AI, AI learning against racism and sexism, voice tracking to study chronic depression are the examples.


Yedam Ann (Seoul, geboren 1992) lebt und arbeitet in Berlin, die sich in ihren Arbeiten mit der Essenzialisierung von Raum und Menschen in verschiedenen Maßstäben und an verschiedenen Orten auseinandersetzt. Mit ihren Arbeiten hinterfragt sie standardisiertes Design und Klassifizierungen und dekonstruiert etablierte Placeness. Ihre künstlerische Forschung untersucht häufig urbane Landschaften vor dem Hintergrund von Technologie und digitalen Umgebungen und dehnt sich auf die Möglichkeiten aus, die sich daraus ergebenden Geschehnissen zu umsetzen. Ihre Betrachtungen beleuchten Themen der Diskriminierung und Musealisierung der Städte und der Menschheit.

Anns Interesse an marginalisierten Identitäten, Technologie und Infrastruktur sind miteinander verbunden und erstrecken sich auf angrenzende Themen. Neben der Mechanisierung menschlicher Arbeitskraft, digitaler Prekarität und Gig-Industrie, wie Lieferdienste, Amazon Mechanical Turk und Uber-Fahrer, sind ihre Hauptinteressen. Sie untersucht, wie die menschenfeindliche Gestaltung von Technologie und Infrastrukturen verlernen kann, um diese sozialen Dynamiken zu verändern. Nicht-Identifikation KI, KI-Lernen gegen Rassismus und Sexismus, Stimmverfolgung zur Erforschung chronischer Depressionen sind die Beispiele dafür.


안예담(서울, 1992)은 베를린에서 거주하며 작업하는 작가이다. 다양한 규모와 장소에서의 공간과 인간 요약화에 대해 탐구하는 작업을 한다. 그녀는 작품 을 통해 표준화된 디자인과 분류에 도전하며 기존의 장소성을 해체한다. 그녀의 예술적 연구는 기술과 디지털 환경을 배경으로 도시 풍경을 탐구하며, 거 기에서 발생하는 사건의 전이 가능성으로 확장됩니다. 그녀의 관찰은 또한 도시와 인류의 차별과 박물관화라는 주제에 집중한다.

소외된 정체성, 기술, 인프라에 대한 작가의 관심은 서로 연결되어 인접한 테마로 확장된다. 인력의 기계화, 디지털 불안정성, 배달 서비스, 아마존 메카니 컬 터크, 우버 드라이버와 같은 긱 (Gig) 산업은 그녀의 주요 관심사였다. 그녀는 이러한 사회적 역학을 변화시키기 위해 기술과 인프라의 적대적인 설계 가 어떻게 언런 (unlearn, 학습된 지식과 습관을 잊다.) 될 수 있는지 연구한다. 비신원 AI, 인종, 성차별에 대항하는 AI 학습, 만성 우울증 연구를 위한 음성 추적 등이 그 예이다.


Ewha Womans’ University
-B.A. Media studies (TV&Film), 2010-2015, Seoul
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
-History, 2013-2014, Barcelona
Kunstakademie Münster
-Diplom, Fine art, 2018-2023, Meisterschülerin under Aernout Mik

Group Exhibition 

Line fictions, Nov.2024-Jan.2025, Kunstraum Kreuzberg | Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Anomymous drawings, Nov. 2024-Jan. 2025, Kunstraum Kreuzberg | Bethanien, Berlin - Feb. 2025, Kunsthaus Erfurt, Erfurt - May. 2025, Hyper Cultural Passengers, Hamburg, Germany
RE:VISION-20 Years Kunstverein Tiergarten, Sep-Oct. 2024, Galerie Nord, Berlin, Germany
Saekki-Chigi Take me to the moon (As a part of AFSAR), Aug-Sep. 2024, News Yeonnam, Seoul, Korea
Off the timeline, Jul-Oct. 2024, Project space on the inside, Amsterdam, Netherland
운반지점 (Conveying point), Mar. 2021, SAPY, Seoul, Korea
In between, Aug-Sep. 2020 Galerie Nord, Berlin, Germany
Ausstellungsprojekt 70 Jahre Landesverfassung NRW, May. 2020, NRW Landtag, Düsseldorf, Germany (postponed until Oct. 2021 due to COVID-19)
Wellenlänge, Feb-Mar. 2020, Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster, Germany
The Public matters, Nov. 2019-Nov.2020, LWL- Museum fuer Kunst und Kultur, Münster, Germany
In Between, Jun. 2019, im_Keller, Münster, Germany
Dialog, Collaborative performance, Sep. 2017, The corner room art, Berlin, Germany
Fantomoj, Oct. 2016, UdK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Perfektes Wetter, Nov-Dec. 2015, AM Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Pancakes and Booze, Sep. 2015, Forum factory, Berlin, Germany
Arternative Playground, Sep. 2015, The Rag Factory, London, United Kingdom

Presentation / Festival

Reading session & performance with AFSAR Sisalon x Don Mee Choi,
AN(8)X Festival shards, shards, whisper and flare, 2024, Berlin, Germany Hörbar, 48H Neukölln, 2024, Berlin, Germany
IMPAKT festival, 2023, Utrecht, Netherland
Ars Electronica, 2023, Linz, Austria
In the Name of,
Auftakt Festival für szenische texte, May, 2020, Cologne, Germany (online due to COVID-19)
Good friends,
Video performance, Nov. 2017, Kunstpunkt Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sun Sphere Reigns,
Oct. 2017, Anomalie, Berlin, Germany
Selfie / Past routine,
solo presentation combined with the session of musicians, Dec. 2016-Feb. 2017, Minuseins galerie (Kultstätte Keller), Berlin, Germany

Solo Exhibtion / Show

Flaneur, Fracto, Spooky (Diplom exhibition), Jul. 2023, Münster, Germany
Nicht Arcade,
2021, Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, Korea
Unreal estate,
2021, Wewerka Pavillon, Muenster, Germany

AiR / Artist program

2023, IMPAKT Centre for Media Culture (Utrecht)-Werktank (Leuven)-Privacy Salon/Privacytopia (Brussels)-transmediale (Berlin)
Raumstation AiR,
2021, Stuttgart

Stipend / Grant

Production grant for solo exhibition, The Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC), 2021
Research grant, SFAC, 2022
Graduation scholarship, DAAD, 2023


Emotional Reports, Editor, 2013-2014, Seoul
Holden magazine, Contributing Editor, Seoul-Barcelona, 2013-2014
Zeitschrift fuer, Contributing writer, Berlin, 2021

A member of

Project D 612 
2013-2015, Seoul-Barcelona
The Corner Room Art 2016-2018, Berlin
nGbK 2023-, Berlin


Most of my works are space based. Each works are single work itself but also the element of the space installation. You can find the several works under the one title.