* 吾等(오등) : 우리들 * 玆(자)에 : 이에, * 告(고)하야 : 알리다 cf. 誥(고)하야 : 깨우쳐 주어 * 克明(극명) : 속속들이 밝힘(=闡明(천명)) * 正權(정권) : 정당한 권리
We hereby declare that our homeland Chosun be an independent state and that we the Chosun people be the self-governed people. With this declared onto the whole world, we are clarifying the great cause of human equality; and with this pronounced, we are perpetuating the legitimate right of our national self-reliance.
* 恒久如一(항구여일) : 오래오래 한결 같음 * 明命(명명) : 밝은 (하늘의) 명령 * 天下何物(천하하물) : 천하의 어떤 것(존재), 곧, 일본
Based on the dignity of the five-thousand-year history, we are declaring this. Based on the united loyalty of the twenty-million people, we are pronouncing this. Based on the aspiration for the development of everlasting liberty, we are advocating this. Based on the eagerness, solely due to a manifestation of humanitarian conscience, of adapting and keeping abreast with the great movement of the world reconstruction, we are proposing this. This is solely in accordance with the direction of nature, the current international situation, and the lawful invocation of the right for the common survival; hence from this no one or no thing to prevent us or to refrain us.
. * 作(작)하야 : ~이 되어 * 異民族(이민족) 箝制(겸제)의 痛苦(통고) : 일제의 무단통치 아래에서 받은 구속으로 인한 설움, 괴로움 * 嘗(상) : 맛보다 (상) * 剝喪(박상) : 벗겨져 없어짐. 빼앗겨 잃음 * 幾何(기하) : 얼마, 어느 정도 * 寄與補裨(기여보비) : 이바지하고 도움 * 機緣(기연) : 기회와 인연
As one decade has already passed since we suffered from the severe anguish accumulated for thousands of years of history damaged by the stale relics from the past such as the aggressive temper or the bureaucratic disposition of other nations, there can be no estimating how much our right for existence has been divested, how greatly our spiritual growth has been deterred, how deeply our national prestigious prosperity has been marred, and how often our chances have been deprived of to contribute, taking advantage of our people’s novelty and originality, to the great shifting tides of international culture and civilization.
噫(희)라, 舊來(구래)의 抑鬱(억울)을 宣暢(선창)하려 하면, 時下(시하)의 苦痛(고통)을 擺脫(파탈)하려 하면, 將來(장래)의 脅威(협위)를 芟除(삼제)하려 하면, 民族的(민족적) 良心(양심)과 國家的(국가적) 廉義(염의)의 壓縮銷殘(압축소잔)을 興奮伸張(흥분신장)하려 하면, 各個(각개)의 人格(인격)의 正當(정당)한 發達(발달)을 遂(수)하려 하면, 可憐(가련)한 子弟(자제)에게 苦恥的(고치적) 財産(재산)을 遺與(유여)치 안이하려 하면, 子子孫孫(자자손손)의 永久完全(영구완전)한 慶福(경복)을 導迎(도영)하려 하면, 最大急務(최대급무)가 民族的(민족적) 獨立(독립)을 確實(확실)케 함이니, 二千萬(이천만) 各個(각개)가 人(인)마다 方寸(방촌)의 刃(인)을 懷(회)하고, 人類通性(인류통성)과 時代良心(시대양심)이 正義 (정의)의 軍(군)과 人道(인도)의 干戈(간과)로써 護援(호원)하는 今日(금일), 吾人(오인)은 進(진)하야 取(취)하매 何强(하강)을 挫(좌)치 못하랴, 退(퇴)하야 作(작)하매 何志(하지)를 展(전)치 못하랴.
* 噫(희)라 : 탄식하도다. 슬프다 * 宣暢(선창) : 드높여 널리 알림 * 擺脫(파탈) : 버리어 벗어남 * 芟除(삼제) : 베어 내어 없앰 * 廉義(염의) : 체면과 도리, 의리 * 壓縮銷殘(압축소잔) : 줄어서 오그라들고 없어져 버림 * 興奮伸張(흥분신장) : 분기하는 마음을 떨쳐 널리 폄 * 苦恥的(고치적) 財産(재산) : 괴롭고 부끄러운 재산, 곧 식민지 현실 * 方寸(방촌)의 刃(인) : 마음 속의 굳은 독립에의 결심[은유법] * 懷(회) : 품다 * 人道(인도)의 干戈(간과) : ‘인도주의'라는 무기 [은유법]
Alas! In order to promulgate our victimization of the past; in order to unburden our sufferings of the present; in order to remove the intimidation of the future; in order to expand and extend the ethnic conscience and national dignity that are now under the chagrin of suppression and demolition; in order to exercise the bestowed right of individual growth; in order not to hand down the shameful legacy to our children; and in order to induce the permanent wellbeing to our offsprings, the most urgent task we should tackle is to insure the national independence. Today, when each of us two thousand people carries a daggar in the heart, and when both the common human nature and the conscience of the times are supporting us under the cover of the army of justice and the armor of humanity, we are now proceeding to take, hence no strength we cannot destroy; we are retrieving to recover, hence no purpose we cannot accomplish.
* 金石盟約(금석맹약) : 금석과 같은 굳은 약속 (내정 불간섭, 독립국 인정 등) * 食(식) : 食言(식언) - 약속을 지키지 않음 * 土昧人遇(토매인우) : 야만인으로 待遇(대우) * 綢繆(주무) : 빈틈없이 준비함 * 暇(가) : 겨를 (가) * 일본의 少義(소의)함 ‘의’ : (의미상)주격, ~이 * 他(타)의 怨尤(원우) : 남을 원망함 * 暇(가)치 : 겨를을 갖지 * 宿昔(숙석)의 懲辨(징변) : 예전의 잘잘못을 가리고 따짐 *–의 : (의미상)목적격, ~을 *- 辨(변) : 분별하다 말 잘하다 * 卓#(卓락) : 매우 뛰어난, = 卓越(탁월)한
We have no slight intention for now to reprimand the Japanese infidelity of having violated the numerous golden and solemn pledges since the Byeongja Treaty of Amity in 1910. Again we have no slight intention for now to reproach the Japanese unrighteous meanness of having disdained, with the conqueror’s lust for pleasure, both the long-cherished foundation of our society and the proud spirit of our nation, by their maltreating us gentile people as only puppets, and by colonizing our historic achievements on this land, through the mouths of their scholars on the platform and by the hands of their politicians in the political field. As it is more urgent now for us to encourage ourselves, we are far from affording to harbor a grudge against others. As it is more urgent for us to sew the torn patch of the present situation, we are far from affording to charge others for the past misdeeds.
* 嫉逐排斥(질축배척) : 시기하여 쫓고 물리침 * (기미) : 말굴레, 소고삐, 곧 얽매임 = 기반(羈絆) *又(우) : 그리고(and), 또 * 改善匡正(개선광정) : 고쳐서 바로잡음 * 正經大原(정경대원) : 바르고 큰 원칙, 곧 독립된 상태
Our obligation today, then, consists only in construction of ourselves, not in destruction of others; only in exploration of a new horizon of ourselves according to the stern command of conscience, not in exclusion of others by means of the past day’s rancor or momentary impulse. In accordance with these, we are attempting the revision and betterment of the unnatural and irrational fallacies that the Japanese politicians, who were enslaved with futile glory and fame, committed by dint of anachronistic scheme or power, with the consequence of their infamous demand for irreparable sacrifice on us. Thus we can lead them to the natural and rational path of righteousness they should follow.
* 姑息的(고식적) : 곧 당장에만 탈 없는 임시방편의 * 怨溝(원구) : 원한의 도랑(벌어진, 파인 틈) * 巨益深造(거익심조) : 갈수록 더욱 깊어짐 * 今來實績(금래실적) : 오늘의 현실 * 廓正(확정) : 바로잡아 고침 ( 改善匡正(개선광정)의 '광정'과 유의어 ) * 捷徑(첩경) : 지름길 * 遠禍召福(원화소복) : 화를 쫓고 복을 부름 * 捷徑(첩경) : 지름길
Here we must take into consideration the present absurd reality that has resulted from the two countries’ affiliation that was committed without our national agreement at the outset, the consequence of which has, under the temporary suppression, discriminative inequality, and mere display of the statistic figures, increased nothing but the deep-rooted grudge between the peoples of the two countries. Too clear is the fact that it is the quickest way of avoiding misfortune and inducing happiness for both countries to radically amend the previous fallacies, and to find a favorable solution to the present situation through genuine mutual understanding and sympathy.
또, 二千萬(이천만) 含憤蓄怨(함분축원)의 民(민)을 威力(위력)으로써 拘束(구속)함은 다만 東洋(동양)의 永久(영구)한 平和(평화)를 保障(보장)하는 所以(소이)가 안일 뿐 안이라, 此(차)로 因(인)하야 東洋安危(동양안위)의 主軸(주축)인 四億萬(사억만) 支那人(지나인)의 日本(일본)에 對(대)한 危懼(위구)와 猜疑(시의)를 갈스록 濃厚(농후)케 하야, 그 結果(결과)로 東洋(동양)의 全局(전국)이 共倒同亡(공도동망)의 悲運(비운)을 招致(초치)할 것이 明(명)하니, 今日(금일) 吾人(오인)의 朝鮮獨立(조선독립)은 朝鮮人(조선인)으로 하야금 正當(정당)한 生榮(생영)을 遂(수)케 하는 同時(동시)에, 日本(일본)으로 하야금 邪路(사로)로서 出(출)하야 東洋(동양) 支持者(지지자)인 重責(중책)을 全(전)케 하는 것이며, 支那(지나)로 하야금 夢寐(몽매)에도 免(면)하지 못하는 不安(불안), 恐怖(공포)로서 脫出(탈출)케 하는 것이며, 東洋平和(동양평화)로 重要(중요)한 一部(일부)를 삼는 世界平和(세계평화), 人類幸福(인류행복)에 필요한 階段(계단)이 되게 하는 것이라, 이 엇지 區區(구구)한 感情上(감정상)의 問題(문제)ㅣ리오
In addition, the forceful suppression on our twenty million people’s mortification and rancor will not only hinder the everlasting peace of Asia; but also this will deepen the fear against, and the suspicion on, Japan in the mind of the half billion Chinese people, who are taking the lead in assuring the stable peace in Asia, without which the tragic phase of global destruction in the whole Asia will clearly brought about. Today we are sure that the independence of Chosun will not only enable our people to maintain the legitimate existence and prosperity; it will also force the Japanese people to get out of the wicked attempt and to play their own fair role in Asia; it will also allow the Chinese people to free themselves from the anxiety and fear that have always haunted them waking or sleeping; finally it will also make the Asian peace a necessary and required step to the peace and happiness all over the world. Who could say this is only a meticulous issue of emotion?
* 鍊磨長養(연마장양) : 갈고 닦아 키우고 기름 * 回蘇(회소) : 다시 소생함, = 回生(회생), 蘇生(소생) * 催促(최촉) : 재촉함 * 凍氷雪寒(동빙설한) : 꽁꽁 언 얼음과 차가운 눈, 혹심한 추위 * 閉蟄(폐칩) : 꼼짝못하고 몸을 움츠림 * 和風暖陽(화풍난양) : 화창한 바람과 따스한 볕, 독립의 세계 [은유법] * 振舒(진서) : 기상 따위를 펼치어 폄
Behold! The new horizon is stretching before our eyes! The era of power has gone and the days of justice have arrived. Right now the humanitarian spirit that has been refined and nurtured for the previous centuries is just beginning to shed a new hopeful light of civilization upon the history. And now the new spring has come to the whole world to encourage every living thing to stir up to life again. If the shrinking of the breath from cold ice and snow was the other day’s trend, then the elating of the spirit with warm light and breeze is today’s ardor.
* 鍊磨長養(연마장양) : 갈고 닦아 키우고 기름 * 變潮(변조) : 변하는 시대 조류, [위력의 시대 – 도의의 시대] * 忌憚(기탄) : 거북하게 여기어 꺼림 * 生旺(생왕) : 자유롭고 왕성한 삶 . 旺(왕) = 旺盛(왕성) * 飽享(포향) : 마음껏 누림 * 精華(정화) : 가장 핵심되고 아름다운 부분 * 結紐(결뉴) : 유대 관계를 맺음
Facing with the resurrection of the heaven and the earth, and riding on the waves of the international tides of reconstruction, we have nothing to hesitate about, and we have nothing to refrain from. We will take delight in protecting our right for freedom safe and we will take pleasure in blessing our vigorous life to the full. We will manifest our rich creativity and fasten the spiritual core of our country to the blooming whole world.
* 陰鬱(음울)한 古巢(고소)로서 : 어둡고 답답한 옛 보금자리로부터 * 고소 : 일본의 억압 상태 비유 * 萬彙#象(만휘군상) : = 森羅萬象(삼라만상), 온갖 사물 * 陰佑(음우) : 남 몰래 도와 줌 * 驀進(맥진) : 힘차게 나아감, = 邁進(매진)
Our people hereby are bracing ourselves up to the action. Conscience are taking up our course and truth is marching forward with us. Man and woman, young and old, we will rise vigorously from the dark and old nest to achieve the pleasant revitalization, together with all creations vividly stirring on the earth. With all the noble spirits of our ancestors through centuries encouraging us, and with all the power of the world protecting us, we proceed with a firm belief that commencement will surely lead to success. Here we have nothing to do but to march on and on strenuously with the gleaming future waiting ahead for us!
(1) Our action today is solely the national claim for righteousness, for humanity, for existence, and for prosperity. Thus no one of us shall deviate in exclusive feelings but shall manifest our liberal spirit to the fullest.
(2) To the last man and to the last moment, we shall express our legitimate ideas as freely as we can.
(3) All of our action shall respect ordinance above anything else so that our maintenance and attitude to the last moment may always be rightful and unobscured.
Most of my works are space based. Each works are single work itself but also the element of the space installation. You can find the several works under the one title.