Flaneur, Fracto, Spooky

Untitled, Video Installation

The relationship between technology, infrastructure, human to human, and signified to signifier is woven and reversed within the works. The worldwide attack on 5G towers during the pandemic started with a conspiracy theory that corona was transmitted through 5G signals, but it was one of the targets created by humans. Original individuality is placed on the sociologist's desk, the archaeologist's research table, and the activist's podium. They sometimes become disinformation and are defined in completely different ways. Defined things are solidified as conventional descriptions and get a single name. The vinyl wall, devised from a shower curtain or sterilization room, divides the space and at the same time names the audience as a subject or autonomous walker. The technology that pursues human life and the human who chases the technology toss and turn, breaking away from their original speed and shape, accelerating and shaking. The shortened loading time tears down the existence, the machine sits in the human's seat and gives instructions, and the human takes the machine's position and speeds up.

The technology that pursues human life and the human who chases the technology toss and turn, breaking away from their original speed and shape, accelerating and shaking. Amazon Mechanical Turk receives tasks to the second. When the data center collapses, daily life is paralyzed. Time to load, time to ship, and uninterrupted FaceTime matter than spam messages and Ad pop-up. Ordering online becomes gradually similar to the act of picking up an item at a department store. The time it takes from clicking on an object to grabbing it gets shorter and shorter. UI and UX are sometimes more important than physical store design. In fact, the warehouse is more important. Amazon's warehouses are huge, and riders are constantly on the move. we get angry when they are slow. We experience faster and forget quickly. The shortened loading time tears down existence, and information and data moving fast lose their body like a shaky photograph. the machine sits in the human's seat and gives instructions, and the human takes the machine's position and speeds up.
Spooky us (2023) shows somewhere in the future of human society that continues to accelerate and mechanize based on the digital infrastructure, which is built to deliver the data or items faster. Humans in different technological environments live in different space, at different speeds and different times.